Page #{{__('rerere'/* $team->id */)}}


@if (request()->user()->belongsToTeam($team))
You are a member of this team
You must join this team to enter it
@endif @if ( $team->hasUser(request()->user()) )
You are a member of this team
You must join this team to enter it
@endif {{ __($team->name) }} {{ $balance }}
{{ __($team->id) }}
{{ __($team->name) }}
--}} {{__($random)}} {{--"confirmingDataChange" --}}
{{ __($balance) }}
{{-- {{ __('Delete Team') }} --}} {{-- {{__($random)}} --}} {{ __('Roll Dice') }} {{__('Rolling..')}} {{--
{{-- {{ __('Delete Team') }} {{ __('Are you sure you want to delete this team? Once a team is deleted, all of its resources and data will be permanently deleted.') }} {{ __('Cancel') }} {{ __('Delete Team') }} --}}